Monday, July 19, 2010

Thanks Hallmark for the dating program!

This morning, Hallmark cards sent me an email. The proclaimed that they had a way for me to INSPIRE and UPLIFT my girlfriends. They even gave me a link where I could go on to Facebook and "talk to the real-life girlfriends and imperfect moms" who designed their products. In their ad, the proclaimed that their solutions for my girlfriends would be as "uplifting" as a great bra.


Hallmark, thank you for helping me to try and get new girlfriends and all. I am glad that someone is out there thinking about me (in addition to my Mom that is!) I also appreciate that they are providing me a Facebook dating service to meet their employees. I do wonder if the girls are given extra salary to be pimped out to customers in that way?

I went to the Facebook page of Hallmark. Right there, on the site, they proclaimed, "Girlfriends Collection Online Event!" 6-7 pm (CDT). Wow. They even have an online dating parade. It reminds me of this place I went to once in Thailand...(oh. Oops. Another story). I definately hit "I'm Attending."

They described their girls as, "Yo...ur girlfriends are the people you go to for comfort in hard times and can relate to best. Whether that is divorce, cancer, loss of job, and everyday struggles, girlfriends have you covered."

I have to tell you. If that is the only reason I should be going to girlfriends, then I think that over time, that will be pretty depressing. I like going to my girlfriends for a whole lot of other positive and fun things!

On their website, Hallmark goes one step further. They have created a social calendar for me and my girlfriends for the upcoming week. This is perfect. It is always so hard for guys to think up of creative ideas that are both entertaining and romantic for women. Here is what they suggest:

It is Monday, and so I guess my left over potroast from yesterday will become someone's dinner. That's ok. I burned it - so I won't mind giving it away. Perhaps she will give me something in return. I get a quickie lunch with Lauren tomorrow (sweet!) Yeah. Wednesday. Um. I think I have something that evening - so not sure I want to do the babysitting thing. Is that a way to rest me with children or what? And definately, on Thursday, the idea of inviting multiple girls over is a GREAT idea. Thanks Hallmark for being open to new ideas in open relationships. Are you sure the girls will go along with this? And the "game night" on Saturday and the "play date" on Sunday already has my mind realing.

Hallmark even has created some notes already filled out. All I have to do is fill them out, and send them. One of my favorites includes one that says: "If you wanna cry, fine. If you wanna scream, fine. If you wanna do tequila shots, and accidently end up in Vegas..."

My sentiments exactly. Although I think moving straight to tequila shots is much better than all that screaming and crying up front. But hey, if that is modern day foreplay, the so be it. I'm in!

Hallmark - you really are something. Thanks for making this so easy - so innovative and so modern in approach. And for all of this, it is included in my annual subscription price of just $9.99? How great is that?

I do find it interesting that they incinuate that girlfriends are more perfect than Moms. Actually, some of the girls that I meet that have not been married or are not moms probably have as many issues at 48 than those Moms out there that have weathered motherhood, and are now stepping back and saying, "Whoa! Time for me. Let me find someone as wonderful and charing as my friend Rick..."

It is a new age. With social collaboration, I appreciate that Hallmark has my back - and my bra!

1 comment:

Rick Von Feldt said...

Ok - Rick here again. Let's be a little serious. Obviously, this is a launch, for women about women. It is innovative as a marketing idea. But for heavens sake, Hallmark. If you are so sophisticated in marketing to create this campaign, surely running a little program to create one campaign for women, and a different approach to men, would be inline? As a guy, I get tired from some retail companies sending me tons of stuff targeted at women. Do you just assume that most online shoppers are women, and refuse to differentiate? That is old school.


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4. 20 SONGS I am listening to - and you can download!
5. My blog about my wonderful grandmother GEORGIA!